Senator Extra 6.0%, Uganda Breweries (EABL / East African Breweries), Uganda
1 ratings
Senator Extra
6.0% Specialty Grain


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Capital Shoppers
6 years ago
Senator Extra, Uganda
Ugandan beer that is brewed from sorghum, maize and cassava. Interestingly, the local price has been printed on the cap as if the shops weren't supposed to charge how much they like. 2200 Ugandan shillings equal 0.55 euros. The beer colors crystal clear, gold. The extrovert, hasty carbonation releases a small-bubbled, off-white head that barely reaches one finger and descends soon to a reasonable creamy lace ring circling the surface. No splatters are left on the wall of the glass. The fragrance is rather unapproachable: a sharp boozy, chemical nuance puts one off right from the first inhale, as if lacquer or some kind of solvent. Behind the chemical veil, there are identifiable aromas of maize starch, lemon zest and a drop of honey. I have tasted both sorghum and cassava but I haven't paid attention to their olfactory nuances, therefore, I can't detect them from the fragrance. I do find a penetrative grainy note as well as some bread among the elements though. The poor tastebuds have to allow a strong, edgy, boozy note to approach from the first sip. Again, solvent-like chemicalness is what comes to my mind. Otherwise the palate offers medium-strong pale malt with a distant maize-starchy nuance. I can't depict sorghum or definitely not cassava in the taste. Neither do I find any fruit or pastry among the gustatory elements, perhaps thin graininess actually lingers in the shadows. The body is light to light-medium. The beer ends with strong, pungent pale malt, a penetrative unwelcome boozy punch, a tad grainy aroma and a little injection of maize flour. The aftertaste runs undercover like there's no tomorrow. The mouthfeel is light and strong as well as rather edgy and even pungent. It's also relatively boozy, consequently also chemical, more precisely lacquer-like, as well as somewhat synthetic. Rather than exotic, I would say this is unpleasant.