The holidays and family drama are over, but St. Patty's is around the corner and it's time to get in the spirit. Nothing says sláinte quite like a fine Irish red ale. Dublin Me Luck's rich malt backbone and unique Irish yeast character give this malty little treat all you need to get lucky.
Availability: Winter seasonal
@ Mentone4 years ago
It's Saint Patrick's Day so going to Duo with my son-in-law a Houston Texas beer that's an Irish Red ale.
Medium-high, orangish tint head. Color is a brown amber, not getting any red that I expected. Thin texture. Not what I was expecting. This is more like a weak brown ale not an Irish red. Dark roasted malt, dry finish with hints of lemon.
This beer totally missed the mark. Not bad but not the good Irish red beer I was hoping for. Finished it but just barely. Did not enjoy any part of it.
@ 11 Below Brewing6 years ago