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BW18 10.0%, Berging Brouwerij, Netherlands
2 notes
10.0% Barley Wine


Post author: Juho K
Juho K
5 years ago
BW18, Netherlands

Post author: Jari J
Jari J
@ Beerdome
6 years ago
BW18, Netherlands
I'm always exited when I get my hands on some Barleywine! Bottle. Best before:? Temperature: +14 degrees Amber brown, quite good clarity. Very fluffy and creamy, tan coloured head with exellent retention. Looks nice: 5/5 Nose has maltiness, fruits and oak with lots of unpleasant overly sweet suryp/jam. Unbalanced: 3/5 Very full mouthfeel with soft carbonation, noticebly bitterness and nice warming alcohol: 4,25/5 Fortunately the taste is much more balanced than the nose. Tastes of bready maltiness, oak, fruity esters, vanilla, very little cognac/champange charecter. I couldn't tell there are any if I wouldn't know to be honest: 10,25/15 Not really exiting Barleywine. English style no doubt. Mediocre: 15,25/20 =37,75/50