@ Beverly Corners6 years ago
Although I have mostly been off the app due to supporting my local brewery pretty heavily, (they are letting me work there a bit and its dang good beer,) I also had a cold for a week and a half where I couldnt taste anything, and then my heart went into irregular heart beat for a few days so I took it easy for a little after it sorted itself out.
But I can only pass by the beer store for so long without wondering what new wonders the purveyors of fine liquids have on offer.
I managed to find one that has me wound up.
But I'll drink this one instead.
It has a promising gently hazy golden color and sits bubbling away which suggests good carbonation but it displays zero head retention. A little lackluster in the visual arena.
With a malt forward aroma that is reminiscent of fresh bread, cracker, grain, and that apple note I often get from European lagers.
Gentle hints of woodiness accentuate a subtle fruity hops contribution that is leaning a little to the citrus side.
The mouthfeel is irrelevant as is the body, because as is the cursed trend of this past month, this beer has spoiled. Or at least I sure hope it is. If not, its absolute garbage.
Watery, and neither sour nor tart but almost both. The malts have all but vanished and the hops are basically washed out.
I cant believe how many turned beers I've I had this year.
No bonus points for anything!
Well ok .5 for having alcohol in it.