Nile Gold 4.8%, Nile Breweries, Uganda
3 ratings
Nile Gold
4.8% Pale Lager
Nile Breweries.


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Sheraton Kampala Pool Bar
6 years ago
Nile Gold, Uganda
Lucid, deep amber beer with rich, regular-duration carbonation unleashes a velvety, off-white head that reaches two fingers. The froth descends gradually to a beautiful foamy layer on the surface. The withdrawing foam paints the glass with an orbiting lace ring. The fragrance portrays medium-sweet malt and a tad sweet biscuit. A bit of corn syrup lingers also on the tongue. The palate has an unwelcome touch of corn syrup. A distant caramelly aroma accompanies the medium-sweet malt, followed by oat biscuit and a drop of dough. The body is light to light-medium. The beer finishes over long duration with biscuity malt and light hops, seasoned with a faint sweetish idea. The mouthfeel is slightly sappy and bears an adjuncted angle. Overall, it's also soft and smooth as well as faintly crisp.

Post author: Séverine C
Séverine C
7 years ago

Post author: JerusD
7 years ago