
4 years ago

@ Au Coin Mousse (CLOSED PERMANENTLY)6 years ago

Cloudy, deep yellow beer flows from tap. Moderate, short-lived carbonation produces a one-finger, brilliant white, velvety head that descends soon to a thin lacing on top. The subtle foam leaves merely a couple of horizontal arches on the glass.
The nose receives a decent amount of bitter orange and a bit of sweet orange, some lemon zest as well as lemon peel. A very faint suggestion of horse stable accompanies in the background.
The taste is light-sour and rather simple with strong lemon peel and some grapefruit pulp, seasoned into a slightly cellary direction.
The light-bodied beer ends with medium-sour lemon peel and grapefruit zest. The aftertaste rolls on tongue over a medium to long duration.
The mouthfeel is light, medium-tart, relatively refreshing and summery distantly as well as remotely coniferous.