Alcohol free
Smyth M
29 days ago
Mike B
2 months ago
The can is reassuringly thick, the flavour is very punchy and malty. Definitely gives the effect of an alcoholic beverage. I’ll get it again 👌🏼
Paul G
@ Sainsbury's Rustington3 months ago
Not going to bother pouring this into a glass, it's not a £10 NEIPA after all!
First impression is quite good, that is to say the initial taste is like regular asahi, fresh and mild flavour of wheat and malt. But the after taste is where the failure comes in. It's odd. Maybe the lack of alcohol is the reason but I'm not convinced 4% abv would magically transform this brew.
Alcohol free gin is good, literally tastes the same except for the explicit alcohol flavour, whereas alcohol free beer always tastes odd.
That said it's not bad, if you focus on the initial taste.
Shame the aftertaste ruins every sip. It's tangy like spoilt milk or cider vinegar.
£4 for four cans isn't a fortune, but considering alcoholic lager would be the same then it feels like a bad deal. Although maybe not as much as dishing out on a non-alcoholic craft brew!
I've been (virtually) dry since January and haven't felt the need to toy with myself via 'beer' like this, but it was a punt. As I say, much better off with 0% tanquray.
3 months ago
Je ne suis pas fan de la Asahi normale, ni de bière sans alcool, mais là c'est pas si mal.
Très légère et désaltérante, j'ai bien aimé quand il a fait chaud avant et après le sport.
7 months ago
Le Hangar Des Guitares
@ E.Leclerc Blagnac7 months ago
Une bière sans alcool. Donc ça ressemble à du cidre mais sans le goût de pomme, ni de malt, ni de... Euhhhh... Bin pas le goût de grand'chose quoi. Déjà que la Asahi normale est soft, là c'est assez moyennasse. Disons qu'une fois de temps en temps, ça change de d'habitude.
Max L
@ Asda Melksham9 months ago
Another good alcohol free beer. Went down nicely with a curry
9 months ago
Holittomaksi oikein mainio. Niille ominainen ehkäpä hieman makea sivumaku on sangen pieni.
@ Coop Norra Esplanaden, Haparanda9 months ago
Raikas, helppo. Ok.
James R
11 months ago
Dry January again….this is not too bad for non alcoholic, malty flavour but not much else to it