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Monk's Brew 10.0%, Mikkeller, Denmark
113 ratings
Monk's Brew
10.0% Belgian Strong Ale
Monk's Brew aka Monk’s Elixir is a heavy dark Belgian ale inspired by the Trappist monasteries of Rochefort and Westvleteren. The beer style, characterized by its high content of alcohol, distinguishes itself by its dominant yeast character, delicious malt background and balanced hop notes.


Post author: orson
@ Mikkeller Beermail Box
1 year ago
Monk's Brew, Denmark
3-4 years old. Very nicely aged. Mouthfeel is sweet, low carbonation, balanced, smooth and rich. Taste: Caramel, malts, sweetness, raisins and dried fruits. Aftertaste is smooth and sweet. Very classic Belgian style beer and a good one.

Post author: Thegirlandcraftbeer
2 years ago

Post author: Theukka
@ Mikkeller Beermail Box
2 years ago
Monk's Brew, Denmark
Siirappinen, hiivainen, tumman suklainen ja mausteinen. Tuli jostain MBM boksista pari vuotta sitten.

Post author: Gaetan B
Gaetan B
2 years ago

Post author: Komarzer
3 years ago

Post author: Anssi T
Anssi T
@ Mikkeller Beer Club
3 years ago
Muutaman vuoden omassa kellarissa kypsynyt pullo. Tuoksussa tumma mokka ja siirappi. Maussa reilua siirappisuutta ja tummaa suklaata. Aavistuksen viinimäinen.

Post author: Ville V
Ville V
3 years ago
Monk's Brew, Denmark

Post author: Neonblack
@ E-Center im Hermesareal
3 years ago
Monk's Brew, Denmark
Farbe: dunkles braun, leichte roteinschlüsse, ein bisschen wie Spezi Duft: dunkle Brotkruste, leichte Pflaume, Karamell und leichte Torfnoten Geschmack: im Antrunk samtig leicht cremig mit leichter Malznote, zur Mitte hin dezente Bitterkeit bei mittleren IBU mit sich ausbreiteten Aromen von dunkler Brotkruste, Röstmalz und leichter Pflaume, im Abgang leicht rauchig mit torfigen Noten und leichter Likörnote im Abgang. Fazit: leckeres Strong Ale mit fein torfiger kräftiger Röstnote. Gänzlich überzeugt bin ich dennoch nicht ganz.

Post author: Jonas M
Jonas M
@ Mikkeller Webshop
4 years ago
Monk's Brew, Denmark

Post author: God-Emperor's Wraith Form
God-Emperor's Wraith Form
@ Mikkeller Webshop
4 years ago
Monk's Brew, Denmark
Got this as replacement for something that was ordered but couldn't be delivered. Best before 26/10/25. No idea when bottled. Can't be in last October at least since I got this in September. Having some cheese and oat bread alongside, forgot to buy crackers from store today. So, a trappist-inspired dark strong ale made by Mikkeller. Scent has nice dark fruits, dark malts with Belgian yeast hint. Taste is nicely Belgian, dark fruits, plums, figs aplenty. Finishes with licorice and dark herbal flavour. Annoyingly, it gets foamy inside mouth. Tried to climb out of the bottle on its own, so gotten a bit overly carbonated, bottle aged during the time in bottle. Body is smooth, soft, overcarbonated a bit, bottle aged or some sort in a bad way. Flavourwise, couldn't tell it apart from Belgian Strong ale. Good stuff in that sense. Then again, it's quite a basic. Also, oat bread doesn't pair well with blue cheese. Damn it. Got a spoonful of apricot jam that helps out though.