This is a classic American style pale ale made using only cascade hops, and also dry hopped with Cascade to impart fresh hop aromas. Released in summer 2014, this is now a full time part of of our core range and available in both keg and bottle year round.
Our American Pale Ale is single hopped with Cascade hops to create the west coast hop profile and fresh hop aromas significant to the style. Up front it’s all about the citrus flavours of the Cascade hop, with these initial citrussy hop flavours leading on to sweeter toffee and marmalade-like maltiness for a balanced flavour and an unbitter beer.
Mine Head is also dry hopped , which is a process of adding whole leaf hops added into the fermenter. This gives more of a hop aroma to the beer, and a fresh initial hit of the hop flavours.
Best served lightly chilled, from 8-12°C.
@ Urchin bar and adventures3 years ago
Nice handcraft american pale ale.
Fine hops and smooht taste.
4 years ago
Hyvä, raikas, mutta ehkä hiukan persoonaton pale ale. Miellyttävä tuoksi vaikka tuli vedettyä suoraan pullosta. Kesäkelien janojuoma.
Pintin sponsoroima olut.
4 years ago
Really nice apa with citrusy twist. I like the after taste which stays in the mouth a long time. Beer looks really good too.
Enjoyed in beautiful winter/spring weather. ☀️
@ Pint Please Headquarters4 years ago
Beer #4 from Dungarvan 🇮🇪 and Pint Please. Thank you for the package. 🙏🏻
Semihazy, amber beer fills the glass. Introvert carbonation unleashes a silky head with several bigger bubbles. The foamy cap melts rushedly to a hair-thin lacing on the surface. A dense ring remains on the glass.
The fragrance puts forward malt bread, graham crackers and grassy hops. A suggestion of caramel and a faint nutty element want to join the stage.
The taste profile is predictable and fairly neat anyway. Identifiable components include slightly piney hops and a malty kick that halts midway. Grapefruit peel, bitter dry grass and a suggestion of bitter caramel are wished welcome by the main actors.
The light-bodied beer finishes with exactly the same package. The aftertaste wants to go west. It takes a while to get there but eventually succeeds.
The mouthfeel is light, crisp, classical and clean. It's semidry and somewhat drying.
The label looks nice, like all the other beers of the same family. Only the colors differ. Easily recognizeable for sure.
Overall, this is quaffable and fills the purpose of a thirst quencher or meal accompaniment.
4 years ago
Took care to tease the drink out this time and it was worth it. Quite bitter and harsh but in a tasty, good way and after the bottle was done I was left wanting more. Always a good sign!
Jari J
@ Pint Please Headquarters4 years ago
One last beer from this Irish brewery. So far one likable beer and two... Well, not so likable ones.
The labels are a bit boring because so many other breweries have the same kind of style. Although I like, that every label has info about the beer possible food pairings etc.
Best before 12/2021
Temperature: +9 C
Good looking beer with a golden orange color. Slightly cloudy beer and tall, long-lasting fluffy head: 4,5/5
The nose is hoppy with balanced citrus and some floral notes. Unfortunately, this beer just like the other ones before this has an unpure murky aroma. The hoppiness covers that but still it's clearly there: 2,5/5
The mouthfeel is medium and slightly bitter and everything feels good, until the murky, cardboard-like touch strikes. (Sigh)... You have to keep drinking the beer so you don't get that annoying feel but beers that can't be enjoyed are shitty beers: 2/5
The taste is similar to scent with citrus and floral notes with that unpure thing going on once again. The aftertaste is somewhat harshly bitter: 7/15
Seems almost like a poorly made Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. This brewery doesn't brew quality (light ABV) beers with all the beers tasted having off-flavors and the bitterness feels harsh. I'm definitely not buying beers like this if this is one day sold in Finland: 9/20
Antti M
4 years ago
Kivasti vaahtoa, joka tosin häipyy nopeasti. Samea olut. Sitrusta on reilusti tuoksussa ja myöskin maussa. Ehkä kuitenkin jää vähän pliisuksi olueksi, kun ei oikein herätä tunteita suuntaan tai toiseen. Etiketti oli hämmentävän kiiltävä, ehkäpä haetaan etiketissä olevan majakan valoa?
Esa J
@ Pint Please Headquarters4 years ago
Got some beers to taste from Dungarvan Brewing company 🇮🇪 and Pint Please. Thank you! 🍻
0,5l bottle from TheBeerChannel beer tulip.
Best before 12/21 so probably about two months old?
The bottle is nice looking with shiny label and pretty new glass bottle. The label is quite hard to read in bright lights but it has a lot of information on it. This design wouldn't probably pop out from the shelves.
The beer had a lot of sediment on the bottom of the bottle, but the label has a warning about it and a suggestion to store upright and to pour carefully.
Slightly hazy copper colored beer with massive foam flover.
Scent has some grass and citrus in it.
Medium to high carbonation. Mouthfeel is good, thick with powderish texture.
Dry and bitter lemon with dry grass on first sip. Some grapefruit and lemon peels that make the taste a bit soapy. Hay and caramel with a touch of yeast. Peculiar combination of fresh hoppy taste and slightly dusty sensation. Metallic note on the background.
Bitterness is gentle with some grass and pine. Metallic aftertaste.
Overall a slight disappointment. Started well, the first sip was very good. But sip by sip the taste turned more metallic and dusty. Below the average APA.
Robert J
5 years ago
@ Mille et une Bière - Champigny6 years ago
Blonde, mousse blanche, non filtrée. Excellent arôme de fleurs et de rose. Très amère. Excellente !