Old Peculier is possibly one of the country’s most well-known and loved ales. This unique, beautiful brew is often imitated but never matched and is sold literally all over the world. With countless awards to its credit, it is something of which every Briton can be very proud and is the epitome of the greatest of British brewing tradition. In the early years of the modern brewing era, about two hundred years ago, many brewers produced a dark, strong ‘stock’ beer in the winter months, to provide a base amount of fermented beer to add to beers brewed in the rather more volatile months of the summer. Old Peculier probably owes its origins to this. The name pays tribute to the unique ecclesiastical status of Masham as a ‘Court of the Peculier’ and is also reference to the strong characteristic of the beer! For many years it was affectionately referred to as Yorkshire’s ‘Lunatic’s Broth’.
Old Peculier is a beautiful, yet very simple beer, brewed using a very generous blend of finest pale, crystal and roasted barley with two bitter hops combined with the majestic and noble ‘Fuggle’ hop to produce a beer of awesome full-bodied flavour with subtle cherry and rich fruit overtones. It tastes superb when accompanied by rich stews, strong cheeses and sweet puddings.
IBU: 23


7 days ago

Ukolta maistoin, annoskateus.
Yllättävän kevyt
Makeutta, mut sopivasti ja pieni karvaus perään, ettei äklötä. Pitää koittaa koko tuoppi uudestaa

@ 5piste5 x Myrrys12 days ago

Makeanpuoleinen tumma olut. Tasapainoinen, mutta hiukan jää vetiseksi.

Corinne T
14 days ago

Antti M
@ Alko Lauttasaari15 days ago

Hyvä Ale.

@ Alko Tuusula Hyrylä21 days ago

Kaapista löytyi kylmä viikontakainen. Nautittavan helppo. Tyyliä vaikea kuvailla, ehkä brown alen ja bitterin välimaastossa. The Legend.

Tonppa M
29 days ago

1 month ago
Oman joulukalenterin jämiä 19/24: tummaa on, makeahko, karamellinen, pieni paahde ja savuisuus, kevyt ja vetinen. Vahva brittifiilis, ei ehkä ominta tyyliä, mutta jonkun syömisen kanssa voisi toimitella.

1 month ago

Lovely ale

@ Alko Hämeenlinna Tiiriö1 month ago
Ei ehkä tummien aatelia, mutta maku miellytti. Aavistuksen vetinen.

Steve T
2 months ago