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Boleima 9.0%, Barona Brewing Company, Portugal
4 Bewertungen
9.0% Amber Lager / Vienna Lager
Amber ale dedicated to local confectionery from Castelo de Vide Portugal.


Post author: Mark S
Mark S
27 days ago
Boleima, Portugal
Loons like Barona have reused a barcode that used to be on a Vienna lager, but I can let that go since I've been looking forward to this so much. Pours easy and leave a brown, caramel-esque body with a ruby red hue against the light and one finger of light brown, foamy head. There is so much going on with thr scent profile. The opening note has some nice apple, which remains firm throughout like a backbone for all the other notes. Caramel, toffee, biscuit, all great taste for pairing with apple before the cinnamon rises to the top and merges with marries with the apple. The feeling in the mouth is foamy and warm. Medium bodied, touching on heavy and the foam leaves a nice dry feeling once the warmth passes. Taste is luxurious, the apple and cinnamon start smoothly, sweet and spicy, while the heavy caramel profile arrives in conjunction with the warmth. Biscuit malt sort of phases in and out throughout while toffee and cinnamon form thr aftertaste. I think I was right to move this to the cupboard this morning to make sure it was room temperature.

Post author: IPAzad
3 years ago
Bière de Noël inspiré d'un gâteau portugais On sent bien la pomme et sa légère acidité et la cannelle sans que ce soit omniprésent Les 9 degrés passent crème

Post author: Wosing
@ La ruée vers l'orge
3 years ago
Boleima, Portugal
Bière de Noël brassée avec de la pomme et de la cannelle. Les deux se ressentent très bien et donnent à cette bière un beau costume de Noël. Une réussite.

Post author: Jô
@ Pastelaria Sol Nascente
7 years ago
Boleima, Portugal
Awesome!! Hoppy Sweet and Delish.