Fuck the system. Forget what you know. What has been. Bow to no one. History is bereft. Reorder. Disorder. Embrace the unknown. The groundbreaking. The challenging. The ichorous revolution is upon us. Try until your fingers bleed and your mind is numb.Try harder. Try this. Try that. Try the other. Try what hasn’t been tried. Then try again. Keep trying. Forge the new. The molten elixir awakens.
@ BrewDog Nottingham6 years ago
A / A
Super sweet, caramel flavours in this IPA.
Too sweet for me, personally.
Still nice. But a little too much could be sickly for me.
Paul G
6 years ago
Version that I had was actually 16.5% which is just crazy strong. Drinks more like a spirit. Quite tasty but just far too strong and after a few mouth fulls becomes hard work.
John T
@ BrewDog Manchester6 years ago
Very thick almost sticky in texture, notes of honey reminds me of stags breath (the whisky liqueur)
Not a quaffable beer, but very very nice in small sips
Helene F
6 years ago
7 years ago