This is a full flavoured, smooth, dry stout that has been described on more than one occasion as “the way stout used to taste”. Made from roasted barley which gives a rich, chocolatey flavour complemented by herbal hints and notes of vanilla and aniseed. This is a medium-bodied stout with a light carbonation and a smooth mouthfeel.
Nicolas D
@ The Woollen Mills10 months ago
3 years ago
Tastes better than the first time I had this. Why?😄
Nice roasty stout for the autumn!👌🏻
Garry garden
4 years ago
Bonne stout
Mikko R
4 years ago
Mukavan kuiva ja maukas 👍🏼
4 years ago
4 years ago
Ok stout enjoyed with some sausages. Bit roasty with hints of coffee. In overall quite easy to drink stout. I could have this as a lunch beer since it is quite light in overall.
I really like the labels of all Dungarvan beers.
God-Emperor's Wraith Form
@ Pint Please Headquarters4 years ago
Received as a sample from Pint Please.
Dry Irish Stout. Label continues with the same traditional feel, somehow it fits the Dry Stout style well. Best before 12/21.
Pours into glass with fluffy foam and jet black color. Looks decent.
Scent of dark fruits, burnt malts, roasted malts. Bit ripen fruitiness, but also bit spoiled fruitiness.
Taste feels a bit sour at first. Then some fruitiness, cardboard perhaps, berries, some off-flavoured malt, bitterness. Bit of roasted malts here and there, but mostly gives quite a spoiled flavour.
Body is bit too carbonated, somewhat full and smooth though.
I have suspicion that this beer is not in proper condition. Will leave it without rating this time, but as like this, it wouldn't score anything over 2 stars.
4 years ago
Lasiin kaatuu lähes läpinäkymätön olut kauniilla isokuplaisella vaahdolla. Tuoksusta löytyy odotettavasti paahteisuutta, kahvia ja tummaa suklaata. Taustalta ehkä löydettävissä hieman salmiakkiakin. Makupuolella jatketaan samalla linjalla ja paahteisuutta, kylmää kahvia ja karvasta suklaata löytyy hienosti. Runko jaksaa kannatella olutta nippanappa ja on siinä rajoilla jääkö ehkä hieman kevyeksi. Loppuveto on varsin kuiva.
Ihan kiva olut ja juo tätä mielellään jatkossakin!
Marko Koo
4 years ago
Tyttö saatu nukkumaan niin iskä voi ottaa oluen ja koodailla sohvalla. Tuoppi on Nokian 2007 pikkujouluista saatu Noktoberfest lasi mikä on ollut kovassa käytössä. Olut on ihan kohtuullinen stout, mutta vähän ohueksi jää. Vähän kaipais lisää substanssia.
4 years ago